Lemonade Diet – Things to Remember Before You Try Master Cleanse With Lemonade Diet


Losing weight with lemonade diet or master cleansing requires some precautions and preparation. Though it is the simplest way to lose weight very quickly, you may feel fatigued very soon if you do not follow the procedure correctly.

Lemonade diet is also known as maple syrup diet, lemon detox diet, lemon juice diet. Master cleansing is a process of using lemonade in such a way that you lose weight very fast. This process came into being more than half a century back but it has gained popularity very recently cleanse diet.

There are a few things that must be kept in mind while trying to use this diet

• You may have to take days off for using this diet because you need to clean your bowels very frequently.

• If you are a first timer, you may feel like vomiting on the first day followed by fatigue and lack of energy.

• You must not do heavy physical activities during the lemon dieting program.

• Lemon diet is good for quick weight loss effects but you must not continue it for more than 2 weeks at a stretch.

• No solid food should be taken during this diet program. In fact it is a different form of traditional fasting which helps you get rid of toxins therefore if you try eating something, you will simply defeat the purpose of master cleansing.

• Make sure that you learn the art of controlling your fast food cravings so that you can continue losing weight even after quitting the program.

• Go for the best quality of lemonade diet if you cannot prepare it yourself.